Radio 1 Blog

Hi. My name is Seth Stevenson and this is my personal blog. My purpose is to keep my friends and family updated about my life. Also this blog gives me an outlet to share my thoughts particuarly on the Bible and theology. Currently I am working in a small radio station in Vancleve, KY. Hope you enjoy, and check in often.


A week from last Saturday, I went to the airshow/exbition at EAA Air Venture in Oshkosh, WI. This is probably the biggest airshow event in this country. There is hundreds of planes and booth on display as well as a daily airshow. It was an awsome event, if you like this kind of thing. Here are some pictures I took. I wish some of them were better. I guess I will not describe them all since it probably wouldn't  matter to most of you all. I also spent some time in the mission aviation tent, which was really neat. Hobe Sound Bible College had a table there to represent their aviation program, so I spent quite a bit of time talking to them. It was hard to believe someone from Hobe Sound would be in Wisconsin, but I guess it really is a small world after all! If you want to know more about the airshow, shoot me an email and I would be happy to reply. God bless and have a great day!!!