Radio 1 Blog

Hi. My name is Seth Stevenson and this is my personal blog. My purpose is to keep my friends and family updated about my life. Also this blog gives me an outlet to share my thoughts particuarly on the Bible and theology. Currently I am working in a small radio station in Vancleve, KY. Hope you enjoy, and check in often.

Cross Angle

I have created a new website/blog for the purpose of fostering spiritual growth among believers. You can now view and comment at

Blessings, Seth

Dog sitting

I now have officially become a dog sitter! I am babysitting a dog for some people who are gone to Honduras on a short missions trip. "Baby Ruffy" - not my choice for a name- is staying with me for approximately two months. He like to sit on the bottom shelf of my desk as you can see above. He is a Yorkie terrier. Note: You can see that even he is a Mac lover!

New website

I have been working on a new website for Mountain Gospel. I finally put it up last week, even though some bugs and things need to be worked out. Check it out at, and let me know what you think!

Dog pen

All week I have been working on a new dog pen for my puppies. I was quite pleased with the results considering I am NOT a builder. It is made out of 2x4s and some chicken wire. God also supplied several of the materials I needed, so I didn't have to even spend much on it! It measures 4 ft. long by 2 ft. wide. I think it will work very well, and give me a place to keep them at night. 


Last Sunday night, God gave us a beautiful snowfall. I captured a few pictures Monday night just before sunset. I thought you might enjoy the views just up the hill from my house. Also a picture of the two puppies in the snow!


Hi friends! I can't believe that I haven't blogged since Thanksgiving, and then again I can. So much has happened in the last two months in my life as I am sure it has in yours. I hope that you and your families have had a wonderful blessed Christmas. I was able to go home to my parents in New Jersey for a week, which was a nice break.  Two weeks before Christmas I was busy working on a little recording project for someone. It was a whole new learning curve for me. I wish it would have come out better, but did not really have the time to do that. I hope you have a wonderful new year; we don't know what will happen with the economy and all, but God has all that in control. I think like Charles Dickens said, "It was the best of time; it was the worst of times".  Here's to a great 2009!