Radio 1 Blog

Hi. My name is Seth Stevenson and this is my personal blog. My purpose is to keep my friends and family updated about my life. Also this blog gives me an outlet to share my thoughts particuarly on the Bible and theology. Currently I am working in a small radio station in Vancleve, KY. Hope you enjoy, and check in often.

New Computer

Hi All,

Recently my desktop computer's power supply and motherboard failed. In trying to fix it I ended up frying some other parts. I took it to a local computer guy here in town, and he said that it would be cheaper to start new rather that keep throwing money at this one to fix it. Even though it was only three years old, all the components were outdated and it is hard to get parts. I spent about a week of research and price comparing on both laptops and desktops. Finally I decided to go a completely different route. I could get a new Mac Mini for about the same money as I would spend on a new Dell or Hp laptop. I had been wanting to get into the Apple market for a while, but the price was always prohibitive. The Mac Mini is a reasonable fast computer for a reasonable price. It has a Intel Due Core processor, 80 GB of harddrive space, and 1 Gb of Ram. It also comes with 4 USB ports, a firewire port, and measures 6.5 by 6.5 by 2 inches. One drawback is that is does not come with mouse, keyboard, or monitor. However i already had all of these. It comes with the Leopard OSX operating system, and with the Intel processor and the Leopard system you can actually install Windows XP on this computer and operate in either Leopard or XP. Some of the features and the graphics are vastly superior to Windows in my opinion. All in all a nice little machine!!! I hope it serves me years to come and can be used for the Lord's work.


Rowen said...

Hi Seth,

I am happy for you to have a new computer, even though I personally never heard of it, or its operating system. Computers are so strange, you just yawn good and proper and they've got something new out!

See you soon,